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Actors Into Surfing
• Here's a list of famous movie stars, TV stars, & celebrities who've tried surfing.
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Jennifer Aniston, wikipedia photo, smiling, sunlight Jennifer Aniston
When & Where: Hawaii (August, 2007) and SUP (2011, source)
Surfboard: soft-top longboard (blue&white single-fin)
Swimwear: 2-piece bikini (black)
Hair: long and loose.
Famous for: 'Rachel' in Friends (1994-2004 TV sitcom), & many movies.

Gerard Butler waving, beard and moustache, Wikipedia Gerard Butler
When & Where: California (December, 2011, source)
Surfboard: longboard (white and yellow with red stripes)
Swimwear: black wetsuit
Hair: curly, dark, neck length. Beard and moustache.
Famous for: "300" (a 2007 movie), and Chasing Mavericks (2012 feature movie on big-wave surfing).

Edward Norton surfer wearing a suit, WikipediaHelen Hunt
When & Where: Maui, Hawaii, U.S.A. (2013) (source: MSN)
Surfboard: longboard, yellow.
Swimwear: bikini bottom, long-sleeve shirt, baseball cap.
Hair: tied back.
Famous for: movies, Soul Surfer (2011), Castaway (2000), Twister (1996).

Edward Norton surfer wearing a suit, WikipediaEdward Norton
When & Where: Montauk, New York (2009)
Surfboard: longboard (white thruster with light blue fins)
Swimwear: full wetsuit.
Hair: combed back.
Famous for: American History X (1998), The Bourne Legacy (2012).

Gerard Butler waving, beard and moustache, Wikipedia Dennis Quaid
When & Where: Maui (October, 2011, source)
Surfboard: longboard (blue, white, and yellow, 'Robert August' model)
Swimwear: black boardshorts, shirtless.
Hair: short, dark, with bangs.
Famous for: Breaking Away (1979), The Right Stuff (1983), Soul Surfer (2011).

Gerard Butler waving, beard and moustache, WikipediaOlivia Wilde
When & Where: Maui, Hawaii, U.S.A. (2013) (source: MSN)
Surfboard: Stand-up paddleboard (SUP), yellow and white.
Swimwear: bikini, gray/black pattern, dark sunglasses.
Hair: long.
Famous for: movies, Cowboys & Aliens (2011), Tron: Legacy (2010) 

This page started: January 30, 2013.

Sacred Craft Consumer Expo 2011Phone/Normal/HiDef  
Video#2: Sacred Craft Consumer Expo (surf show)
Del Mar, California, U.S.A.,
Photographed: Oct. 8, 2011.
WMV-HD    7:12 minutes    16.7 MB    More Details...

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