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November, 2008, Trestles, trestles, Lower Trestles, lower trestles, Lowers, San Onofre, San Clemente, San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant, containment dome, nuclear, rounded rocks, smooth rocks, pebbles, rivermouth, surfers, rights, shortboard, shore, right, carving, seaweed, water lapping, lineup, beach, dunes, clumps, panoramic
Video#21: Lower Trestles in Autumn
California, USA
Posted: May 26, 2012
Photographed: November, 2008
2:10 minutes       7.8 MB

This video features:

This video was taken in the autumn of 2008 at a spot known to the locals as "Lower Trestles." To get to the spot, one must go near a railroad track with its wooden trestle supports. Hence, the name. The surf spot is near a nuclear power plant whose dome-shaped containment vessels are seen in the distance. It is a partly cloudy day. In the foreground are thousands upon thousands of rounded pebbles and rocks. The rocks have been made round by years of time and tide. Waves are crashing in the distance, and surfers are seen in the water. A seagull flies above and lands near the rocks. Next, there is a closer view of some surfers not too far away from shore. Most are riding shortboards, and they are guiding their boards to their right (screen left). An A-frame forms, and a surfer carves his board up and down the wave face. For a few seconds, the video shows a close-up view of the shoreline as a big piece of seaweed is tossed to and fro by the incoming waves. Video of the surfers returns, and a different surfer rides his board to the right again, kicking water spray into the air each time he hits the top of the wave face. The final shot is of a wide expanse of sandy beach. High above the water line are man-sized clumps of seaweed. Near the shore, there are more rocks. The breakers make crashing sounds in the distance. Seagulls are clustered near the water's edge. The video fades out.

(end of video description)

November, 2008, San Onofre, San Clemente, tide, water, weathered, stones, seaweed, beach, seagull, seaweed, clump, dune, shore, whitecaps, swell, blue sky, sand, footprints, lapping
Video#22: Seaweed and Weathered Stones
California, USA
Posted: May 26, 2012
Photographed: November, 2008
3:47 minutes       10.3 MB

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