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About 'Favorite icons' (a.k.a 'Bookmark icons' )

¤ Does your corporate logo show up in the URL-window & tabs of all 3 major internet browsers?

¤ If not, you could be missing a chance to get your corporate logo to your customer's eyeballs!

¤ Believe it or not, a little-known glitch prevents 'favorite icons' (also called 'bookmark icons')
from showing up in Microsoft Internet Explorer web-browser. Your favorite-icon can display okay in Safari or Chrome, but it might not show in Internet Explorer at all.
Your customer sees this generic icon (inside the red circle):

¤ The pie-chart below shows that Internet Explorer is the world's most popular browser.
Do you want to risk your logo missing 53% of internet customers when they bookmark your website?

¤ At, our consultants can ensure your corporate logo icon has
cross-browser compatibility!

¤ And... if you don't already have any favorites icon on your company's website,
then what are you waiting for???
We can easily create a favorites icon by 1) visiting your website, 2) making you a few sample icons,
and 3) working with your I.T. people to upload the icon to your website & make your home-page display it okay!


      $90 includes first 2-hours labor to design several icons, then e-mailing them to you or your webmaster.
+ $40 / hr. consulting fee for giving your webmaster the proper web-page .HTML code, if necessary.
......$40 / hr. any additional labor, if needed (e.g. further icon design).


We aim for your satisfaction!

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