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Bull Sharks
started: January 14, 2013.    Copyright:
bull shark vs man size comparison relative length width height dimensions

Length:      3.4 m (11 ft) [adult],      0.8 m (2.7 ft) [pup]
Height:      1.2 m (4 ft) [adult, pectoral fin tip to dorsal fin tip] (estimated by author)
Weight:      318 kg (700 lbs) [adult] [ref1]
Life Stages:      pup (at birth), juvenile (0-4 years), adult (5-16 years)
Lifespan:      up to 16 years [ref3]
Speed:      cruising, 8 kph (5 mph, 4.3 knots),      attack, 19 kph (11 mph, 9.6 knots)
Species:      Carcharhinus leucas
Sense of Smell:      keen [ref4]
Vision:      poor [ref4]
Coloration:      dark dorsal & pectoral fin tips (esp. when young). Also, countershading (belly is white, topside is gray). Serves as an aquatic camouflage.
Prey detection:   through sense of smell.
Habitat:     tropical ocean regions (near the earth's equator), temperate ocean regions (south of the Arctic & north of the Antarctic), and deep freshwater rivers. [ref5]
Bite Force:     600 kg (1,300 lbs) [ref6];    2nd estimate: 6000 N (the largest relative bite force of any shark, relative to its body size) [ref7].
Evolution: n/a
Q: How do Bull Sharks and Great White Sharks differ?   A: 1) Bull Sharks have small eyes, Great White Sharks don't. 2) Bull Sharks have wide, blunt snouts, while Great Whites' snouts are more sharply angled (conical). 3) The upper lobe of a Bull Shark's tail is long and low, while Great Whites' tail lobes are vertical, and more equal in size. 4) Bull Sharks have a big 'second dorsal fin' behind their main dorsal fin, whereas Great Whites have very small second dorsal fins.

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A video for your viewing Pleasure:

Sacred Craft Consumer Expo (surf show)
Del Mar, California, U.S.A.
Oct. 8, 2011.

                                 Click for more Details about this video . . .  
Sacred Craft Consumer Expo 2011

Format: WMV-HD         Views:
Length:   7:12 min.
Size: 345 MB

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