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Great White Sharks
posted: November 7, 2011.    Copyright:

Comparison of size of 6ft man to 20ft great white shark

Length:     6 m (20 ft) [adult],      1.8 m (5.5 ft) [juvenile],      0.5 m (1.6 ft) [pup]
Height:      1.8 m (6 ft) [adult, pectoral fin tip to dorsal fin tip]
Weight:     2,268 kg (5,000 lbs) [adult] [ref1]
Life Stages:     pup (at birth), juvenile (0-15 years), adult (15-30 years)
Lifespan:     up to 30 years
Speed:     cruising, 8 kph (5 mph, 4.3 knots),      attack, 19 kph (12 mph, 10.2 knots)
Species:     Carcharodon carcharias
Sense of Smell:    exceptional
Vision:    average
Coloration:     countershading (belly is white, topside is gray). Serves as an aquatic camouflage.
Prey detection:    special sensory cells detect faint electrical signals of prey animals.
Habitat:     coastal waters in all major oceans in temperatures between 12-24 °C (54-75 °F).
Bite Force:     18,000 Newtons (4,000 lbf). It takes just 4,000 Newtons to break a human thighbone.   Another max. bite-force estimate is: 2,700 Newtons (600 lbf). (Feb1-2012)
Dorsal Fin:     Sharks and dolphins are sometimes confused because both dolphins and sharks have large dorsal fins.  However, cruising dolphins don't have a tail fin that constantly stays above the water.  If you see a big fin above the water, look for the second above-water vertical fin behind it.  A handy rule is "shark if 2-fins, dolphin if 1-fin."
Evolution:     great white shark species is 16 million years old. The body plan of all sharks is so efficient that it has not significantly changed in 400 million years.

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                               For your viewing pleasure

This video was shot on a nice sunny summer day of 2007 in southern California, USA
It shows mostly longboarders.

Format: WMV
Length:  4:14 min.
Size: 138 MB

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